Not to be confused with Handbone
I still can't decide if I am pissed or in awe of the stretched out ghoul doing that on the floor of my Illini
but I digress
HAND BURN.....this is the ever growing and changing festering THING on my hand.
It looks like lasagna that was left out on the counter over the course of a weekend....
It looks like not so special effect "pizza the hut" from spaceballs fame...
It looks like I fingerbanged Madonna circa '93
It looks like I am escaping hand prison with a scuplted lectoresque handmask made from other people's hand skin....
I think you are getting it......
Of course this happened while cooking pregame after a couple that the time it was "aight"
Then 2 days later is was I slapped some leftover aloe sunburn lotion from the honeymoon
After a drinky weekend night and reaching in my pocket for phone and smokes repeatedly it is the raw maid rite sammich I see before me....
In my cavemanlike existance I have been in the 2 day routine of dousing it with peroxide and slathering it with neosporin from time to time....
I prolly should have seen a doc
*makes note*
That whole "chicks dig scars" statement was not just a t-shirt scam in the 80s......was it?
Definitely go see a doc. They have prescription burn cream. I learned the hard way that petroleum jelly products aren't so great for bad burns.