Wednesday, May 03, 2006

So I hit this recent trend

3 different girls, all under 5'3", all at 100 lbs or less....don't know how it happened, but it was an experience

I call it the tale of the spinners 3

The first one from match I was curious and bored
9 emails in, and all of them ignored

She looked kinda cute but how can trust this pic
We met at a bar, she was tiny, but not sportin a dick

4 dates in, and I was ready to take a walk
She ordered of the kid's menu and talked baby talk

duly notited match don't just act because she's cute
did I mention her panties, covered with kitties and fruit


The seconed one was a chance encounter a friend of a friend
Despite her sub c note weight, she was packin rear end

A few nights dating, she was young, she was refreshing
But it was only the newness of the stage we just starting meshing

I tried to delve deeper, I was the recorder, I handed the mike
It was like I was married in "Come To America", she said..."whatever you like"

I need a girl with personality, an origianl thought of her own
Lessen 2 learned, stop leading with my bone

Plus she had a cat, and she used this high squeel call to call her

The third was an accident, I was an ear for a break-up
Someone to talk to, a passing moment until the make up

Wed hit the town a few times things started picking up steam
I can be the rebound guy, a great spot on the team

Then came the texts, the calls, and did I mention texts, I was feeling mothered
A few weeks in, and already smothered

Then she asked if she could call me boyfriend, this was getting out of hand
I aborted the mission early, and suggested all three should start a band

ok, so I didn't really suggest the band, but it would be cool

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