make em say ugh!
Big Gulps ehh?

this might take some time

early ass tailgates, and when i get up the sun is dialated like only 2 cms, most of the time i am just getting when we partnered with "After Hourse" hangover water, i at least thought the show would fit.....looked like a sweaty mannequin when these dames arrived.....damn

who's quick on the draw,......THIS GUY.....i was actually able to capture the ONE time holly laughed during all of tailgate season

okay, once you are done laughing at the drunk man with then antonesque fuckin hair goin on here.....I included this pic because i have a swollen melon....seriously.....UUUUGE.....i CAN squeeze into a 7 and 7/8, but i likes me LOOK AT THIS MUTTON to my left!!!!! Met the dude at jillians a while back, i was in awe.....head

before you ask, YES...those are my pants to the left of a drunkin dan, and NO....i was not wearing them seconds before this shot.....sinners

on special at's no High Life, but it goes down kinda smooth

served by a green eyed bandit

Greico, Greico doenst like pictures, or Jonathan Lipnicky.....he hit town with his lovely cohab, audra, he struck gold with that one the luck bastard

then he ate her, and we had to ditch the remains.....but keep that on the DL,,,,,thanks

I have no clue who this guy is, but he was pretty cool, so I hung out him the following weekend.....i think, im losinig track here
thats it for now, still homecoming, halloween, and other shit to come
i gotta home run inn, firming up real nice like in the hot box and a bottle of hat sase to douse it with
Big Gulps ehh?

this might take some time

early ass tailgates, and when i get up the sun is dialated like only 2 cms, most of the time i am just getting when we partnered with "After Hourse" hangover water, i at least thought the show would fit.....looked like a sweaty mannequin when these dames arrived.....damn

who's quick on the draw,......THIS GUY.....i was actually able to capture the ONE time holly laughed during all of tailgate season

okay, once you are done laughing at the drunk man with then antonesque fuckin hair goin on here.....I included this pic because i have a swollen melon....seriously.....UUUUGE.....i CAN squeeze into a 7 and 7/8, but i likes me LOOK AT THIS MUTTON to my left!!!!! Met the dude at jillians a while back, i was in awe.....head

before you ask, YES...those are my pants to the left of a drunkin dan, and NO....i was not wearing them seconds before this shot.....sinners

on special at's no High Life, but it goes down kinda smooth

served by a green eyed bandit

Greico, Greico doenst like pictures, or Jonathan Lipnicky.....he hit town with his lovely cohab, audra, he struck gold with that one the luck bastard

then he ate her, and we had to ditch the remains.....but keep that on the DL,,,,,thanks

I have no clue who this guy is, but he was pretty cool, so I hung out him the following weekend.....i think, im losinig track here
thats it for now, still homecoming, halloween, and other shit to come
i gotta home run inn, firming up real nice like in the hot box and a bottle of hat sase to douse it with