Saturday, May 16, 2009

Feelin the choice


There was a squirrel outside today....and it may sounds silly, but she/he was mocking my dog

Waggin that fluffy tail in her face, dippin, divin, on her turf, and just out of reach for my beast to give it a lesson.


I'm goin nuts flyin all over the place lookin for something to whip at this trixster.

I'm a lover of all creatures big and small, but this is FAMILY!

The squirrel is on the tree trunk over the side of the fence so I am at a loss of what to do since if I hit or miss this object is gonna be over the line....literally

THe wife hears me fumbling and asks what the hell is going on.....

NO wood block, NO utensils...NO shoe...NO tools...NO soda can!!!!

finally I respond in a very Tracy Jordanesque tone....THIS SQUIRREL OUTSIDE IS MOCKING HER!

as it left the lips I knew how it sounded, but hey.....I don't act to be any different that I am...and SHE is locked in now :)

I hear back



THIS is why she is the genius.

She hit the freezer and met me by the back porch for my winging escapade.

That is love my friends

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