Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Geeks vs Romantics

Honestly there are few classifications that classify such a WIDE range of people of all races covering a mass level of demographics....

I've contimplated something for a bit that just smacked me in the face

I'm watching this HORRID movie called "wasted" on like HBO29....you know the formula...one of those movies featuring a bunch of younger "those guys" actors....famous from being in the movie of just slight more well known "those guys".....

The infamous over the head boombox cusak / gabriel scene was tossed into common conversation...without a hesitiation

This scene has been referenced...commented...duplicated...in more ways than I can recall...

Once again...the other night I saw what was close to 64 seconds of a show called "greek".....I'm not gonna go with the "male dignity" saving comments of .......................it was late and I was curious

nevertheless! the boombox scene was REFERENCED!

I started to search for a counterpart.....

This scene was as famous as ricky after his vida loca hit number 1


Romantics....they can be old....tween...male...feamle....asian....sons...uncles.....as often black as white.....what other classification could cross and sustain such a mutual appreciation



Hell Gilbert showed it best....there is a nerd in all of us

From Friends...to Veronice Mars...to references to cinnimonimonimun (I mock what I can't recall to spell) haricut style buns....the scene rules comicon to pron fantasy conversations

This movie SMOKED multi generational box offices dvd sales and rentals.....it's tough to find people that haven't seen the trilogy

THOUGH the battle of the sexes is lost here.....ie.....though women are aware and might participate in such an act ..... it is RARELY THEIR fantasy

This is where the Box office numbers of Return of the Jedi vs Say Anything come in as the variable


What say you?


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